Fan Gatherings -
August 21, 2006 - Los Angeles, CA:
The almost ten years later picture
(see the last picture in this section) -
Glowing-with-pregnancy Maureen "Mo" (Vornholt) Whitman,
me, The ever-beautiful Jen Simpson
- -
February 9, 2003 - Las Vegas, NV:
Michael Mazur, Linh Nguyen,
Matt Johnson,
Chris Mason, Ryan Chan, Mandy Lee

Matt Johnson
Ryan Chan, Linh Nguyen

Sean Severson, Michael Mazur,
Chris Mason

Michael Mazur, Chris Mason,
Matt Johnson, Ryan Chan

Michael Mazur, Matt Johnson,
Linh Nguyen, Sean Severson,
Ryan Chan, Jen Simpson, Deb, Karen Barkan

Ryan Chan, Jen Simpson, Deb

Karen Barkan, Leslie Cotten,
Penina Haas, Mandy Lee,
Jessica Haas, Mitch, Brenna Hinkly, Sean Severson
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December 31, 2002 - West Hollywood, CA:
Michael Mazur and
Ryan Chan perform with fans in line ("Big Bar")

Jeni Panhorst and Barry "Big Bar"
Remis (at the show)

Matt Johnson
and Ameena Azzouni (at the show)

The group at the post-party at Le
("Big Bar")
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December 4, 2002 - Santa Barbara, CA:
Ryan's Room at the El Prado
Ryan Chan

Michael Mazur and Ryan Chan

Debbie Matsumoto, Leslie Cotten,
Tiffany Smith
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June 22-25, 2000 - Acoustic Slumber Party 3.0 at Val
Brown's in Maumee, OH:
Mike Flavin's
Calhoon's Barry
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June 17-20, 1999 - Acoustic Slumber Party 2.0 at Val
Brown's in Maumee, OH:
Barovian's Mike
Koyama's Jen
Olach's Shane
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October 22-25, 1998 - Los Angeles & Santa Barbara, CA:
Joe Lyons' Dysfunctional Keyboard -
On a street with no name, In a
famous pose
(Credits: Ameena Azzouni's hand)
Harbor Restaurant / Pier -
Martin Pluth, me, *Bree* Culnan, Jenni Mehlenbacher,
Amy Garver; *Bree*, Shrimp with
*Bree* (not on the menu)
Amy, me, *Bree*; Jenni, me;
Martin and I pondering
Outside the El Prado Inn -
Ameena, Amy, Martin, Jenni with *Bree* frolicking
Outside Swingers Diner in Beverly
Hills -
Martin, Amy, *Bree*, Ameena, Jenni
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November 9, 1997 - Louisville, KY (after the show):
Pseudo-Family Gathering - Me, *Bree*
Culnan, Amy Garver,
Martin Pluth, with Joe Lyons looming
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November 8, 1997 - Crawfordsville, IN (after the show):
Wabash Fans - Rae Robertson, me, The
Mystery Couple,
Joe "Merch Man" Lyons, Curt Dellies, Graham "The Original" Mills,
Wendi "The Quilt" Watson, John "Mr. ListServ" Lalande,
Mel "B/W Photos Rock!" Martin, Naomi's sister Rachel (back),
Naomi Kroeker (front), Ken "I'm a Beta Sig, too!" Kroeker
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Labor Day Weekend, 1997 -- Santa Barbara, CA:
The famed "Purple Neon Log Flume
Ride" -
(Remember, "It's Only A Rental.")
Sign? What Sign? - Chris "When is
the Game On?" Kennedy,
"Steve's Friend" Scott Whiteaker, me,
"Mo" Vornholt, Victor "Nasty Bootlegger" Yiu
Up in a Tree -
Kris "Tambourine Girl" McHale, Gina "15" Clark, Victor, me,
Christy "I get to LIVE in Santa Barbara" Gonzales, Scott
Sandpiper -
Kris, Scott, Rae "St. Louis!" Robertson, Tiffany "Accent?" Smith, me
Backstage - Chris, John
Mota, me,
Gina, Scott, Rae, Victor
Steve & Scott -
Backstage at the 1997 Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center Benefit
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June 6, 1997 - Los Angeles, CA (after the Listener Appreciation
Denny's - Back: Ryan Chan, Linh Nguyen,
Jack & Lori Royal-Gordon,
Jen Simpson, me, Brett Stratton, Connie Story and Soyun.
Front: Francine Tegzes, Mandy Lee, Tammy Nestler, Leslie Rigley
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September 21, 1996 - Santa Barbara, CA:
At the County Bowl, In The Pit -
Maureen "Mo" Vornholt, me, Jen Simpson |